
Yes, and they all drive Subarus now.

I’m surprised they’re allowed on the Interstate.

I think he means the ratio of idiots to normal people.

I blame Kinja...

Using NetCarShow, are ya?

Yes, I am aware of the concept, but I didn’t know which lanes he was referring to.

Thanks. That would have been helpful in the OP for those of us who aren’t traffic engineers ;)

1 and 2 are the right lanes or the left lanes in LHD countries?

Solution: Drive a tow truck!

Likely has a lot of plan view taper. They’re pretty obviously 3D renderings from a program like Alias. I would wager that the interior shot is a Photoshop rendering, though.

Because I want the best for you.

My parking brake works about as well as a banana under the tire, so I always leave it in gear. And even with my old cars that had functioning parking brakes, I still just left it in gear because it’s easier. On hills it’s a different story.

Was a sidewalk provided? I can’t watch the video. Also, I would imagine the shoulder of the road would not be considered a “traveled portion”. I have no way of knowing where she was running.

YES! Rally is miserably amazing!

We don’t know the story, and she probably should have acknowledged the cop. But then again, if she was really just running on the street, she was completely within the law.

FYI, runners are legally “traffic” while using public roads.

Act 300 of 1949

257.69 “Traffic” defined.

No offense, but you sound like someone who doesn’t drive a stick. Leaving a car in gear is a pretty normal failsafe thing to do, especially if you’re parking it for a long period- e-brake cables like to rust in place. Plus, a professional driver would not be stalling a big V-8 powered car. The car would have to be

“Crazy” is the OP’s word, so take that up with him.

I suspect it comes down to different strokes. I can’t stand modern Audis and the like because they are inoffensive to the point of being boring.

But at least there are alternatives.