
It wears a French badge and just looks French. Seriously, take a look at it and tell me it could have been anything but French. It’s got that lovable awkwardness combined with unconventional functionality that many expect in French cars- especially old Citroens.

Does it look Italian to you?

I think it’s cool because it ignores what you expect out of supercar styling, and instead decides to just be really French in the only way it knows how.

I love the foot vents on my F-100. They’re one of the best things about older cars. Mine grab from the cowl, so I haven’t had any water come in. Leaves, though, are a different story.

I figured it was a joke. But if it were a product available for that car, it could make it quite a bit more comfortable.

If you actually have a ‘98 Civic, you probably feel the pain of a weak blower motor.

Taking this seriously:
I would suggest cowl-fed foot vents (and considered them for my ole 92 hatch), but mirror vents would be an interesting proposition as well. I wonder if one could build a mirror vent by hand, and have it work

Unlimited psychological unrest for the unwashed masses who cannot even handle it, man.

I’ll bet it can’t even record times because it is in quantum superposition at the beginning and end of every race, meaning it finishes the race without even moving, and its lap times are absolutely zero. I mean, that’s technically performance, right?

Does this also mean it can drive on a vertical slope, and upside down

the new Bentley Bentayga takes luxury to new heights, with no limits to its exceptional performance on and off the road

Sound like a train

Low miles compared to the life expentancy of the engine, not by the age of the car. He’s highlighting that the engine should not look that gross.

If you can’t do an oil change, you can’t pull a camshaft

What better way to package gigantic motors and transmit lots of torque and traction?

HUBS, not rims. The rims are normal. It might feature in-hub motors, as that rod between the wheels looks to be only a steering tie rod.

FYI this doesn’t recognize 50 year old VINs. So just forget about that! Hahaha

Veyron wagon? Waygron?

Very interesting, but... what’s your ideal Chiron?

The XL-1 is primarily about aerodynamics, and you can’t boat tail a Golf without either sacrificing luggage space or increasing overall length and mass. One of the main reasons we don’t have 60-70 mpg cars right now is that most people cringe at the teardrop shape that 60-70 mpg cars have to adopt to slip through the

So, how would you spec the Chiron, if it were you? Pull a Torch and install a 7 liter 3-cylinder diesel? Unless they go off the wall with the concept of this car itself, they’ll be chipping off the blocks of top speed, power, refinement and luxury. Where does that leave them? If not pushing the boundaries of the

It looks like a baby blue whale birthed a Citroen TPV, and I love it and I want one. The offset headlight is brilliant, and the heatsink is ready to filter out all the krill the highway can offer! Throw on more Voisin-like styling and I’d probably just faint. Well done, Morgan. Well done.