Fordboy357 doesn't give a harumph!

I could've sworn that 0-60 time was over 5 seconds earlier.

It's the most harmful (and that's relatively speaking) when the engine is cold. With the engine turned off for the duration of a stop light, the oil hasn't had time to seep down to the crankcase so the crankshaft and camshafts and wrist pins and pistons won't be starved for oil.

It's time for a drag race. 2013 V6 Mustang VS. this.

Says it has a V8. Shows Cummins.

1997 Ford Ranger: .125" steel front and rear. It's taken a 35 mph hit in the rear and drove away with nothing more than paint from the perpetrator's Grand Prix.

Ford GT. Yumm.

Why in the hell would someone put a redneck-ass light bar on an SVT product?

Sad gearhead is sad.


That actually is kinda badass

You're telling me a 6BT won't fit under that 6-foot nose?

Never lift going up a grade. Every off-roader knows that.

Current, yes. Because, as drivers, we fail as a nation. Back in dubya dubya two, we kicked ass and had 3 pedals!

I really, really want to like this. BUT that is waaaay too much moolah.

If he wanted a two-door, he should've got a two door.

Nibbles is a troll.

Ah yes, the little-known Saabaru Explorer L.L. Bean/Eddie Bauer edition.

I was about to ask: "Why is there so much flour in the floor?"

But why go through the trouble of a swap like that and not buck up for better parts? I'll never understand the point of shaved door handles...