Fordboy357 doesn't give a harumph!

A GoPro costs $200.

Believe you me, I find this son of Africa quite affable. But, still he must get a proper trashing. I plan to crimson his face with a series of dapper lefts, then bring issue to rest a powerful blow, upon his dark and mysterious brow. For as we all know, the muscular African is no match for the lanky, smooth-talking

Step 5: ???

First thing I'd have to do is replace CV's and wheel bearings after those monstrosities come off.

Boss 302 is 600 lbs lighter.

Not always, but in this case....

Those zero pressure tires suck major.


North Carolina. The foothills. About as perfect as you can get.

"I stand..er..kneel by my product!"

I'm glad I live at the opposite end of the country.

My thoughts exactly.

Mad tyte drift, yo!

I've seen a picture of one of these hauling a Thunderbolt, but I can't find the picture.

Don't fret. That was at the top of the UK's "Cock-est cars" list.

West Coast bling, that's fine and dandy, but this is for the southerners.

"Let's face it! You can't torquemada anything!"

V8 power, mid-engined, weighs just over an American ton.

Go big or go home? If you say so...