Fordboy357 doesn't give a harumph!

"Standard factory option"

I'd invent it.

I hate to say it, but....

Pic fail

It's real nice. Got it at Target. It was on sale.

Because he probably doesn't remember it.

I'd get his ass for DWI, reckless driving, and two counts of attempted vehicular manslaughter of an officer

Firefighter don't care. Firefighter don't give a shit. Just extinguishes what he wants.

Charlottesville, Virginyuuuhh

Kids shouldn't have guns....that nice.

I still think two 757's hitting two separate buildings are gonna produce more than 40 tons of debris.

This equals 40 tons. I feel like more than that hit the streets on 9/11.

Felt it here in N. Carolina. I thought it was a truck that was here to pick up the dumpster.

Would promote if I could.

We don't have In-N-Out on the East coast, but we do have this.

Sad but true.

Die, gas-pumper!

Damn, my QOTD answer didn't even get promoted and I still made the cut.