Darth Squishy

A long time ago, that's when.


I have suddenly become uncomfortable in my trousers

I am enjoying them claiming that a Russian ship in the Caspian Sea used a ballistic missile to destroy a hospital, even though there is not a single ballistic missile ship there (or anywhere else for that matter)

I think you are right.i couldn’t see the canards at first so the wide nose made me think Mig-29, but I zoomed in and it is indeed an Su-34

You are correct. I see them to now that I zoomed in

You are correct. I popped up the image and it was indeed an Su-34

I actually don’t really think we are completely to blame for the Hospital bombing. We were fed that data from the Iraqi Army. I personally believe that it was fed to us by a perpetrator in the hopes that we would indeed bomb the hospital and destroy our legitimacy. Even RT said that that was probably the most likely

It is actually am Su-34. I zoomed in and can see its canards

I just love posting Stalin meme!

You are correct. I pooled up the image and stand corrected, that is a Su-34 as you said

That’s not really a Russia exclusive thing. If I could loop videos of Obama’s stances and promises pre-2008 and then contrast them with statements from today and shake even his most diehard fans.

Ah, good catch. I zoomed in and do agree, Su-34. I seethe Canards now

Actually, none of them were mistakes. They all hit the intended targets, which is a point I will get to in a minute.

Hillary won’t win. Sanders has more support, but the DNC wants Hillary. What will happen is a split vote and Hillary will get the nomination while Sanders will have the support, and a lot fewer people turn out on Election Day.

I would like to point out one thing. The plane was a Mig-29, which Russia doesn’t have in theater, which would mean it is Assad’s plane.

I am not sure why, but a picture of Daffy Duck has appeared replying to you with a misspelled quote. I am not sure under what circumstances that happened, but it shows my name. I am not sure how it got up there but I didn't post it and can't delete it.

However, I have ignored the elephant in the room. That is that the video shows a Mig-29, which Russia does not have in theater. That was definitely one of Assad’s planes. Backed by Russia of course, but certainly not a Russian plane.

Humorously though, if the video is showin the plane that dropped the bombs, then it is obviously Syrian, because Russia does not have Mig-29s in theater.

Out of range and they appear to be using Mig-29s, which are faster and harder to hit. It also would imply that they are actually Syrian, NOT Russian