
Must be dusty in here, I’ve got something in my eye . . .

I’ve got a bad feeling about this...

C’mon Máté, you can do better than that.

“Car Ford now and buy not one, but at least to cars from the heart of Detroit!”

Comment/Quote of the day?

They seem to have a pretty huge overlap with the “ANYTHING APPLE RELEASES IS SENT FROM GOD” crowd. This is a group of idiots I’d be perfectly happy to spend my entire life ignoring.

Chevy SS. Near-luxury, affordable, roomy, quick, V8, RWD, stick, can fit carseats, in-laws, strollers, and a weekend’s gear.

THE YEAR 2032:

Can someone remind me what we’re all fighting for? Everyone on the planet needs to chill out, sit in a lawn chair and enjoy the sunshine.

It mitigates dangers to the manifold.

Jalopnik: [shown excessive chrome and swoop designs] Too busy! Too much! What happened to simple designs???

Mexicans do blow things up. Have you seen a Mexican bathroom?

Why are we pretending it won’t end up being named Trump Bomber and be the greatest bomber ever. All the other bombers, look they’re great bombers, I love those bombers. But this is the next bomber and it will make those other bombers look like Tonka Toys.