
VOTE - M-Audio Fast Track.

Ha! I have literally the exact same.

Kbt pure keyboard with mxbrowns

I'm 25, and didn't bother learning until I taught myself around age 19. Familiarity with computers at a young age is great, but touch typing classes are sort of pointless without motivation.

Yeah, either way is sucky. Mainly I'm tired of Facebook thinking they're special and running an app that runs far hotter than twitter and G+ combined.

You know what's particularly frustrating about this? It means that the standard facebook app is just going to keep growing and encroaching, instead of moving to a more humble position. I cannot stand apps that run themselves and use a lot of resources, and facebook does exactly that.

Google is, after all, known for overcharging for everything.

I guess I got selected. Too bad I'm broke.

Get some vintage real speakers and amp or receiver. You can buy in extremely cheap, like $100 for serious audio

$300? I feel like the average consumer can get there for $75 if they pick up some used components

I have a few vintage stereo receivers that I rotate between, as well as vintage speakers. Marantz 2238b is my favorite, powering some venturi v52 bookshelf speakers.

Really? he could have made the eagles take them all the way to the mountain?

Are... are you mentally ill? That was a totally different person.

That looks awful. Really awful. Get something that's wood and do it that way. A cabinet or box or anything besides this.

Yeah I just did, and it came up. Would have been nice to point out in the article.

He has unlimited data. Thus, video chat with anyone he wants.

on mac only? windows? what is happening!

how did he convey to you that he thought it was new or exciting?

You ironically mistaked.

I think you are thinking way to highly of your own anecdotal experience if you think BT is somehow been disparated in use.