
This is incredibly epic

@angryblackgurl: Why are you so certain he's a rapist when he refused to plead guilty to rape and only admitted to having the sex? He says it was consensual, so perhaps she was lying about saying no? We don't know either way.

@Hana Maru, used up old slutbag on the pole: HM: This is simply not the case in the state of california at the time, they distinguish between rape and sex with a minor. If you want them to rename their criminal charges write Arnold a letter.

@KittenFluff: Rape is one way people have sex KF, please just accept that. It's not a good way and nobody here's promoting it when they call it that.

@Ginmar Rienne: Using the euphemism is perfectly fine. Sex is like the word 'punch'. Punches can happen without consent (assault) or they can happen with consent (consensual boxing matches, UFC).

@PilgrimSoul: The legal basis of the distinction (which was actually 'with a minor' not 'with a child') is based on 2 separate charges at the time, one of which he pled to. The law makes that distinction, just because some now refuse to make that distinction does not mean it no longer exists.

@SarsDoesntSave: Rape is a form of sex (the bad deplorable non-consensual kind).

@Pizza!Pizza!Pizza!: Well, in some cases that might get called 'sodomy' with rape being used for cases of intercourse (but that also occured apparently)

@Triana Orpheus: This is a separate issue in regards to whether or not it is considered sex (in this case, if oral sex weren't considered intercourse enough to be called rape, you can still call it sexual abuse/assault and still prosecute it).

@Red-headed bookworm: I think some people are confused. It seems uncontested that sex occured (Polanski admits at much) but whether it was rape rape or just statutory rape depends upon whether or not her testimony about refusing or being drugged is correct. Which of those is there evidence or Roman's confirmation for?

@ArtfulSlinger: Is it unfortunate that people make the distinction between sex with someone not consenting and sex with someone who may or may not have consented but it doesn't matter because their choices are disregarded?

@nyc-caribbean-ragazza: No, not 'a' minor technicality, minor technicalities. It's plural. You make it seem more minor when you engage in singularization.

@PerinealFavorite: Alcohol is a bit of a tricky issue, because in many situations you have 2 people who have sex which they only consent to on the basis of inebriation, but then would they both be rapists and victims simultaneously? In your case though, 14's not old enough to drink and he served the alcohol so it's

@schoolofloverboy: What makes you think he has a sick mind? Committing crime doesn't require a mental sickness, at least not so far, otherwise we wouldn't have prisons, only asylums.

Hm, this whole Milhouse convo seems to imply it was oral sex instead of PIITB but based on the girl's testimony I do think she was indeed poopered, something about him asking if she was on the pill and then saying "may I put it in the back instead?" and then proceeding to do it.

@RedLantern: No, I don't think she said she was fair game, just that the mother should be criticized too for putting her in that situation of vulnerability. She didn't give permission either.

@mustlovebooknerd: Excellent point, I've experienced other people who've insisted it isn't sex. People need to realize that like 'relationship' even though they have positive connotations in popular use, the words are actually neutral and can refer to positive and negative incarnations.

@Sergio Hernandez: What is a JD? There's actually a huge difference beyond semantics.

@Pantra: Hm, perhaps if Julia Roberts did that, but if it wereren't that and only the other 2 things Polanski did I think she'd receive more sympathy than him.

@1.1.1.: Yeah I dislike that attitude. Joining a man at a hotel doesn't mean you plan to have sex, nor does it strip you of the right to choose not to have it.