I took the misoprostol beforehand, but it didn't work for me as my cervix was annoying. I don't think that is typical by any means.
I took the misoprostol beforehand, but it didn't work for me as my cervix was annoying. I don't think that is typical by any means.
Is the problem from your end or from your partners?
*hugs* I hope it gets better. Much support.
That is an absolutely miserable place to be in, and what you're doing is the absolute right thing, and I doubt it will get easier if this is everyone's reaction. :(
Also woah, Guy Pearce. You turn those eyes down. You're blinding me with hot.
... does Loki count? Because Loki.
See, now I could totally get down with that.
Someone said below that her job was actually assisting two disabled kids on the bus.
... does she have to vacuum the walls and ceiling in that bathroom of hers?
To be fair I did live in Chicago :(
Max Ernst, my favorite. Well, most surrealism, but this guy is fab.
I know my reaction would be to laugh hysterically. Hence why I should never have children.
Actually she was on the bus to assist two disabled students. She wasn't in charge of all of them.
I'm very sorry for your lot, but shitting on people being nice to someone else does not make anyone inclined to feel any sort of empathy for you.
My guess?
Why the fuck did I move away from Illinois?!
Those are two separate incidents, both tragic, but not the same at all. In Mr. Poppo's case, he was the victim of a random attack by a man high on bath salts. In this case, Klein was abused verbally and emotionally by children on a bus that she knew. I'm not sure what is the value of money that should be given to…
I assume you're also a grown ass person, and all I see is you engaging in some mad victim-blaming and butthurt because someone didn't react the way you think you would have in a similar situation.
... she's a villain.
it is a well-known factoid that ladies hate steaks and home improvement.