
Do the GOP feel compelled to only nominate someone with a bad combover?

Bullying being their only tactic goes to show that they don’t know any other way to get things done. No wonder he’s failed to pass any legislation.

It certainly feels like that would be the case.

The entire GOP platform could just be “own the libs” and their voters would be happy. Even if the resulting policies harm them too.

“We’re going to lie to win an election, while claiming that it’s the liberal left who are lying. Our voters never fact check.” - Dave Rexrode

If the ingredients are banned in many non-US countries, then surely companies can just use the same recipe for the US that they already use for those other countries. It’s not like companies would suddenly have to start from scratch with their products.

Somehow my brain had failed to connect that was her in both IotBS and Alien.

Would anyone be surprised to discover the other Kevin McCarthy was a pod-person?

It’s frankly astounding how many people that donate small amounts really don’t seem to care that their candidates are just lining their own pockets. Perhaps the megachurches and TV evangelists have conditioned them to expect that.

Not just “like me”, but also “send me your money to run for office”.

The fact that jailing rapists is already the current solution is likely why he feels comfortable supporting it. That stance requires zero change. Plus nobody is calling for the rapists to not be jailed.

Would you go for a British remake with some of the Dames? Perhaps Dame Judi Dench, Dame Helen Mirren, Dame Julie Walters, and Dame Emma Thompson.

This is the result of years of the GOP social media approach where “everyone who publicly disagrees with me is paid by George Sorors”, It soothes their egos to pretend that the people who think they’re assholes are paid to do it.

Dumb people often think they’re very smart.

Lots of Americans also appear confused about the Electoral College. I’ve seen many argue against it’s continued existence.

Ron doesn’t have the same casual cruelty as Trump. A life of entitled narcissism and daddy bailing him out has moulded Trump into an elderly spoilt brat, whose ultimate wish fulfilment is being president.

The cult is based around hating the same people. They love Trump because he annoys the people that his supporters hate. As long as he annoys the right people, his supporters will keep supporting him.

Poor messaging has been a Dem weakness for a while now. Failing to call out what should be painfully obvious.

Yeah. The “old man yells at cloud” brigade will still blindly support him. many of them blindly because of the glaucoma.

All those redcoats back in the day are why the no-smoking signs are now in red