
There is a sub on reddit for short guys, where they claimed that Sophie was divorcing Joe because he’s shorter than her. Ignoring the fact that he’s the one filing for divorce, and they never would have gotten married in the first place if his height was an issue for her.

There could also have been issues with Sophie taking the kids out of the US while their marriage was strained. Joe is touring in the US, so no crossing international borders with the children.

Her wanting to move to the English countryside also doesn’t scream “party girl”. Our rural areas are not known for their club scene.

At which point you make the first excuse you can think of, and GTFO of there. Never to have anything to do with him ever again. Which is what Thomas should have done if he had the tiniest bit of integrity.

Tucker on X sounds like he’s popping tabs of MDMA.

What are the odds that private planes and airfields won’t find themselves under quite the same scrutiny?

Now he has David Tennant as his emotional support Doctor, to help him recover.

Is this why conservatives are so scared of unions? They think that anyone who wants a decent wage for the work they do must be possessed by a demon.

Never saw Star Crash. I see it pop up occasionally in my recommendations.

Now playing

Yeah. It’s not like they’re just trying to complete their Hugo Boss collection. There is no innocent justification for it.

The sequels also showed the weakness of JJ’s “mystery box” approach. He tries to set up a bunch of mysteries to things like where did Snoke come from, and Rey’s family. Then makes Palpatine the answer to everything. Someone on the crew points out the Palpatine is dead, and the best that JJ can come up with is “somehow

If they were interested in what their fanbase cared about, we would have gotten a very different sequel trilogy.

You might want to check the link in the article. It’s not because he thinks their uniforms looked cool. His collection includes linens with Nazi insignia, postage stamps with Hitler on, two of Hitler’s paintings, and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.

Such a coincidence that they always claim their opponents should be trying to “build bridges” when they’re the ones being punished, but the rest of the time they’re trying to build walls.


The Sega Heidelbergensis?

If only there was some kind of government agency that could help him with his safety, instead of relying on a billionaire with a Nazi fetish.

Our nation is led by geriatrics in both parties who are out of touch with their voters and won’t live to see the damage they’re ravaging on the nation.

Guys like this always go for the most hardline attacks on abortion, until it negatively affects their life. Then it is suddenly “one rule for thee, and not for me”.

Maybe they were going to, but then spent so much on the other FX that they were “Meh, close enough”. Hoping nobody would notice.