
There is almost certainly enough signal in the convention center for these cars to properly initialize. The fact that 7+ manufacturers are experiencing this problem on multiple vehicles each definitely means it isn’t some sort of failure to update.

I think there’s a fairly good chance this is a publicity stunt by some

Is there possibly an autonomous car company intending to do a demostration, but wanting to use a LabSat for consistency and/or to set up specific conditions for the demonstration?

No one ever suggested poor people can’t be involved in solving the problem, we’re just suggesting that maybe punishing them for being poor isn’t a very bright way to go about it.

I agree that Americans have normalized to incredible amounts of laziness and waste, but if the conclusion you draw is that poor people just

Hmm, I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’ve never experienced poverty.

Yes and no- it’s tiered, as per CAFE.

Right- the tiered system is good, but I don’t think its aggressive enough on the larger tiers. I think they’ve been successfully lobbied down a bit because of stereotypes and assumptions about how inefficient larger cars are, without realizing how much room for improvement there still is.

I mean, you’d need four cars somehow managing 45 instead of 35 mpg to make the same difference as one truck making 25 instead of 15.

We’d need it to vary by incomd- not everyone can afford newer vehicles, and people who can’t afford newer vehicles would be most hurt by increases taxes on fuels.

2nd Gear- The problem really is that measuring efficiency in mpg is highly misleading to your average consumer or politician.

To be fair, its because Lawyers think that everything else is beneath them.

I mean, I’m sure you’ve seen what large groups of loosely coordinated teenagers can achieve in WoW and Minecraft and even in flight/ATT simulators and war sims!

I like that!

I never said he’s intelligent- just educated and talented in the field of engineering. Book smart. He also has a tendency to run his mouth confidently based on only cursory thinking. If he’s thought about something for a tenth of a second, he acts like he’s an expert, which is what happened here. The 0.5 seconds he

As an engineer, I tend to agree. My worst experiences in school trying to work with other students was always with the kids with 4.0's. The best people to work with were always the guys who were in the army or worked in a machine shop for years and were coming back to school.

Having common sense, practical thinking,

Theres a few of these on the Colorado front range for state highways and other major roads that have high speeds but occassional stop lights.

You have ZERO evidence to suggest this thread wasted any police time. It could easily have been passed on harmlessly by dispatch to some intern running the twitter.

Thats VERY different. I don’t agree that all hitboxes should be the same, but the problem is that- unlike in Overwatch -large Apex characters do not have proportionately larger health pools.

Yo, 7-months later and the new Whizbang recipes are pretty great. I’ve peaked at rank 15 so far using only Whizbang and it’s the most fun I’ve ever had in this stupid game.

COTD, and its only 8:30am

Another excellent example of why EVs are 100% consumer ready...