Good thing I've saved up all my sick days.
Good thing I've saved up all my sick days.
@RaindropBebop: Yeah, that's what I meant...
@weinerschnitzelboy: Or is it a regular trashcan tilted 130ยบ?
@frankmartel77: Because this is significantly more awesome.
@weinerschnitzelboy: Oh trust me, they will.
Sprzout says it best.
@myeyesdeceive: I've memorized the new emergency number.
@shhhGoToSleep: Welcome to the club.
@TaxGuy1040: No.
@Brian William Schulz: Are they better enough to pay $2,000-$20,000 more than a webcam for?
@bobioization: Why did I give you a heartclick? It's very rare that give anyone heartclicks.
@cmdluke: Or, you could just buy 6 webcams with infrared filters and emitters on them. That's essentially what the $3,000 (not kidding) cameras are.
It's nice to see you posting a bit more often, Jesus.
My neighbour did this one time, so I'm calling it fake.
@fuzzywalls: If you live somewhere that suffers from powercuts, you likely watch TV over-the-air.
That's a great idea. I've always wondered why manufactures of 60+Hz TV's couldn't just make a box that converted the TV to 3D.
I got locked inside the bathroom for several hours once. Luckily there was a screwdriver under the sink to dismantle the door knob.
I find your lack of Macs disturbing.
@DGS_Photography: This is Brazil we're talking about here.
@Jack Sampson: I know, it's a joke because of how hot it is there...