@Scotland: Ha ha ha, no.
@Scotland: Ha ha ha, no.
@Rybones2112: "With 500 days of sunshine..."
My old top-loader would fill with water, but wouldn't spin when the door was open. But my new front-loader locks itself before the cycle starts.
@JACrazy: I don't think that'd be in good taste.
Why you ask?
Dear John Pistole,
@RaindropBebop: It took me a minute, but that's hilarious.
You sound exactly like Jim from The Office.
@tomsomething: Yeah, that's the only one I was confused on.
@countjackula: What did you say?
Thanks, a very useful post!
@\m/ chaosphere \m/: Don't be hatin'. If you don't like it, use this.
What's up with that image? Did someone photoshop an iPad screenshot onto an iPhone?
@The Squalor and the Fury: I did use my hypen correctly. I put it there on purpose.
@PenitentPenguin: If you're a developer, you're not really limited, and any good emulator has been approved.
@PenitentPenguin: What's the point of jailbreaking anymore?
@The Squalor and the Fury: Why? It is overpriced, why should those little ass-countries get faster internet then we do?
@Battle Wagon: Well that sucks.