
They most certainly have that right.

Thanks for reporting on this. Blizzard has shut out all discussions on the topic and are on complete radio silence. They want this to blow over quickly.

“Free HK” is what pissed off the Chinese? I can’t believe it’s not Fertitta’s lock-step endorsement of the turd that imposed tariffs on the Chinese goods. I’m still looking for the “good” billionaire.

Wow it's almost like China is *really fucking terrible*

Hmm... Wait until the Chinese impose a blackout on G/O Media over this post.

I kind of love how China throwing a gigantic tantrum is drawing vastly more attention to the tweet and thus the issue at hand. The Streisinorand Effect.

There stance makes sense if they do it right. I might be a trash PC player and being matched with mediocre console players, as long as kills and wins stay similar it shouldn’t matter.

Better. Selling tiny little pieces of your game for a dollar or two isn’t great, but it’s better than selling cranks on a slot machine with a 1/2500 chance of getting the thing you actually want.

Fool me 13 times shame on you ...

No, the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. The punishment fits because it’s fitting both this crime and all the other incredibly dangerous similar crimes he’s gone out of his way to commit on the field over the past decade. You get one DUI, you get a year in jail. If it’s your sixth one, the judge isn’t going to be

This will be Burfict’s 14th suspension in his NFL career, and his third for an illegal hit. After his ejection, the Raiders captain ran off the field blowing kisses to the booing crowd.

If he’d only knocked a woman unconscious instead, they’d have him back in a month at worst.

No, he accepted it conditionally. He said “I want to do this role. My condition is that the job must be union.” The implication of “he turned it down” is that he didn’t want to do the role. That’s not true. He did want to do the role. But he is contractually obligated by his union membership to only do union work*. So

Given everything we read during the BL3 pre-release, I honestly thought this would be the line in the sand for gamers. Just about everything coming from either 2K or Randy was this perfect storm of everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of

Hey, if there’s one thing you can’t criticize ol Donny for, it’s leading with his head. 

You’re correct, it’s a bad headline. There was nothing late about the hit, it was just an egregiously dirty one. 

My favorite game I’ll never play. 

I’m exhausted.

The kid’s back!