Ty Alex

This is the answer I've been looking for. Even if you're wrong you've helped me calm my mind and spirit so I can stress less about wether my fav show will suffer from a possible breakup.

Fuck it I'm still bitter about that one. Absolutely can't stand Pratt as the leading guy. Glenn would've been so much better in that role or any other role for that matter.

Someone is salty lol. The fact you'd get triggered over something so factual. Charlie Day is right now the bigger movie star out of all 5. Danny used to be the biggest and outside of Danny the rest don't really have that. I wish them all the best either way but I hope, selfishly, Dennis' show bombs so he can be back

I enjoyed TDK more for his performance than the film itself (which was an entertaining blockbuster film and one of the best SH films). But Logan is the one and only SH film that I feel belongs up there alone. Saw an early screening and it's just…powerful. Every other great SH film is enjoyable at best (even TDK). But

I bet FXX doesn't even know the show is still on.

Every time one of you jabroni's quote the show so beautifully it puts the biggest smile on my face. Bless you all Sunny fans. And to all the people who don't like Sunny ''GO F YOURSELVES''.

''It was pretty good. It was alright. It wasn't great.''

Suck my dick.