
I think where white people get mixed up is what they’re supposed to FEEL about their privilege. They (we) too often assume it’s guilt or remorse that’s required. When, in reality, it’s kindness and civility and fairness. And most importantly sometimes, it requires outrage for a plight that’s not your own.

I think he is already trying to do that at the intellectual level.

Uh... forget it.

The whole “both sides are bad” line may make you feel morally superior. But the reality is both sides use that line...not to change their ways...but to justify doing whatever they want.

You ARE defending Trump, because you’re normalizing an action making it much easier for Trump to do it and/or claim it’s okay.
And the

hillary just as bad! right?! FUCKING E-MAILS RIGHT?!

I’m sure that protest vote is feeling really good right now

If Carson or DeVos can head a cabinet, Kerr can be a U.S. Rep at the very least. KJ was the mayor of California’s capitol ferchrissakes.

And also, it needs to be less “elite” smart guys.


I don’t think someone laughing at you for the fact you attend Arizona State really qualifies as a racial slur.

Exhibit A

Before we think the Sac Bee might be prejudiced against NBA players, let’s remember how it ignored Kevin Johnson’s actions as long as it possibly could.

I’m not sure waht are you angyr about?

Right, because the NFL has never hired someone who hit a woman before...

I’m not saying I’m happy about this, but I don’t think this affects his NFL prospects. He was suspended long enough from the team to give a lot of “he’s served his time, don’t you believe in second chances?” cover to NFL programs, and he’s really ridiculously good at sportsball.

In this country we have the presumption of innocence. Take your presumption of guilt somewhere else.

Well, I’ll boycott the Holiday Bowl either way, just to be safe.

Man this is one gigantic slippery fucking slope in like 19 different directions.