
It’s a 90 minute flight for $200!

Helmet to helmet hit. That’s a penalidad alright.

The whole point of the playoff is to give a second or third team that could be a legit number one a chance to play for it. This year Bama is the clear #1, so whichever other three teams make it is all good. Can’t get mad saying “We should be #4!” only if you have a legit claim at #1.

So he wants to leave his unpaid job where there is a high chance of injury that would disqualify him from a multi million dollar payday from an actual PAYING job? GTFO

I’ve been to Cleveland, wish I hadn’t!

The team was in first place most of the season yet finished 28th in MLB in attendance. Even WITH the logo they get shit support, so why not just dump it?

His 2016 WAR is 0.0! The very definition of replaceable. Maybe not the best idea to tweet racist shit and give the team a reason to replace you.