As far away from Buffalo as you might be, if you listen very, very closely you’ll still hear the echo of a thousand giant hams being slapped together.
As far away from Buffalo as you might be, if you listen very, very closely you’ll still hear the echo of a thousand giant hams being slapped together.
My daily fantasy consists of both of these companies going away.
“Oh, they’ll cough it all up,” said JPP. “Just wait till the gloves come off.”
everyone’s saying “jack sock” this and “jack sock” that. they’re talking about a sock they masturbate into. that’s not what this is about, it’s a man’s name
The thing is in other countries, soccer is all they play. Our pool gets thinned out by the other sports. Which is a good thing. I’d rather have Dale Jr. racing a car instead of kicking some stupid ball.
This isn’t the first time an intern landed someone from Washington in trouble.