
What's a "wine glass"? Can I do this to the wine bottle? Will it clash with the Wild Irish Rose color?

@gpzbc: I'm in the same exact boat - I was thinking if one of the migration tools did email as well, that would be best (e.g., google's email uploader, or LimitNone), but if worse comes to worse I was going to sync 1 gmail account with my phone, then the other, then delete duplicates, then re-sync phone and re-sync

@TheFlyingFish: Actually, these are one in the same (sounds oxymoronic, I know). The concern is regarding the equilibrium that we are currently enjoying. The best analogy I can think of is in the process industry, where pressure or level swings in a tank get progressively worse. #remainders

Another tip: When "chaining" electrical cords for storage, don't start from the middle... start from one end. Then it's still a usable, shortened version (50' becomes less than 10'). I like starting from the male plug side, then partially unraveling as I need more length (and the bundle stays by the wall instead of

Actually Jason, AARP will accept your $ for membership no matter your age. Now that I type, I seem to remember an interview with one of their representatives where he relayed a story of one of their members that is in grade school.

@clank-o-tron: I can attest that you can navigate stairs (up or down) on a motorcycle... and I don't just mean with dirtbikes.

Eddie Murphy Trading Places pic — haha

@aikoto: My question was, can the potential employer get any information if you have a freeze on your credit - which it sounds like the answer is "no." Temporary unfreezing is fine, but there are costs associated, at least in some states.

@aikoto: Actually, you want potential employers (those you have applied to) to be able to run your credit. Not all do; depends on the type of position, but if they do it is done as one of the last steps in qualifying a candidate. But you want them to find enough information.

Is anybody aware of how putting a freeze on your credit or even just a fraud alert shows up to potential employers running a credit check? Would they be provided enough information, would they be locked out from pulling your information, or would they be provided your information, but with a cryptic line or two on

I have used flickr, photobucket, picasa, and some other smaller service that I can't even remember. I finally landed on imageevent.com. Gives me great control over who can access what, good prices, large files, various formats, and the best for me: service. They have always answered my emails very quickly, and even