
It doesn’t help that Sophie Turner really isn’t that great of an actress either.

Didn’t happen. I remember watching it that night at my friend’s house and we were wondering why they were showing the crowd shots for so long until JR came on.

We generally reserve comped entrees for what I’d refer to as Major Fuck Ups, like when your food is inedible or it never comes out at all.

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i know some people already said the “Dream Shake” but here’s some of his best ones if anyone doesn’t remember.

Bonus level is finding it in the federal warehouse.

They gave the money to that guy’s “company” then claimed it as a charitable tax deduction. That’s a BIG no-no in the eyes of the IRS.

I would think the next logical step is hitting instructor (after a long vacation).

The promo code for the lavalier mic says it can’t be applied. This happened yesterday with the HD antennae too.

The promo code for the lavalier mic says it can’t be applied. This happened yesterday with the HD antennae too.

the Longhorns aren’t so much clearly better than the Trojans to make sitting out a year to be in Austin instead an obvious decision.”

Nah, they aren’t getting rid of Dickson. He’s a rookie who is tremendous punter and made the All-Pro team this year. I’m sure they’ll have him practice some kicking though now.

and the fact that your car wasn’t adding to the force of the impact by sitting still and not going 70+mph.

“Zero point zero. Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.”

Nothing humerus about this.

I always love those people that say, “Money doesn’t buy happiness”. Maybe not but it sure helps pay off debts, buy houses and raise families. I’ll take my chances at having multi-millions at my disposal vs $20k.

Even worse, that guy’s truck WAS IN HIS DRIVEWAY!!! They literally came onto private property to steal it.

Conor already said he isn’t pressing charges against them.

What they did at the PGA tourney they have in my old hometown in upstate NY where when I was a teen and worked as the scoreboard carrier for a group was, on a tee shot, the marshal at the tee box will wave a paddle in the direction of the shot so the marshals on either side of the fairway can warn spectators of

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Fun Fact: Peter Cullen, who is most famous for being the voice of Optimus Prime, also did the Predator sounds:
