
Yeah, but you have to spend north of $35,000 to get the towing in looking for. Then again, almost no one actually tows anything close to the 3500lb limit for the vanilla Santa Cruz.

I’ve not seen one in person, but if they offered one with the hybrid system in AWD, I’d definitely look at one in a couple years when I’m in the market again.

Diesel, most likely.

The NBA treads lightly on China topics since it is a HUGE market. If anyone with any notoriety in the NBA says anything remotely not in line with the Party’s official propaganda on the topic of Uyghurs, the NBA can be cut out of that market in a heartbeat.

He kinda has to say that. NBA needs China and China wants the world not to care about the Uyghurs.

The times I’ve had to deal with semi-permanently attached oil filters, I have been able to trace it back to quick lube shops 5 of 6 times. Of those 5 times, 4 times the car owners had heated arguments with the shops during their last visit. Coincidences? I don’t think so. 

A call goes out to the Lexus and Hummer design teams for assistance.

Simple work around is just to sell them to unscrupulous buyers or truck them over the border for recycling. I’ll bet cash money this is what they are doing.

In red states and most blue states, stealing catalytic converters is crime (read: not legit job). In doing so, pulling out a gun just gives the owner of the vehicle even more legal justification to perforate their arses.

I can believe GM outselling Toyota or at least coming real close. While none of these points alone explains it, combined they could.

These buildings are cool AF. You don’t see character like that in 99% of the building going up today.

In some weird way, it is very bad to talk about any topic related to homelessness as a negative thing.

There may even be security/traffic cameras that will probably show there were no brake lights illuminated, which will support the likely theory that the Go pedal was pushed in place of the brake.

I’ll wager that the liability coverage wasn’t enough to cover the totalled bus, let alone any cleanup, if cleanup isn’t an exclusion in the policy.

To this day, I still want a Ford GT. Kinda like that babe in HS that you never get out of your mind, kinda.


Good old Big Red Sport and Imports. I am surprised it still exists under that name. Sure it probably changed hands over the years. If I remember correctly, they have had a series of brands cycle through the dealer. Alfa Romeo, Isuzu, Suzuki and I thought Ferrari. 

1st Gear:

There’s a whole lot of stuff at McD’s that isn’t good, but yet......coffee and breakfast biscuits notwithstanding.

If that guy doesn’t spend the rest of his life in prison or rides the lightning, a great injustice will have occurred. I heard they are, at least initially, saying he will be charged with 5 counts of Murder 1. Betting that gets reduced to Murder 2 because to prove Murder 1 you have premeditation/planning. Murder 2 you