
The Firebirds from that era weren’t that unusually bad. The problems were that they were not built better than any other GM car, but they were driven harder. I had the previous generation Camaro and while I spent a good amount of coin on repairs, it was worth it, in most ways. 

I got me some questions..

I wasn’t saying you said anything about justifiably fleeing police. Didn’t mean it that way. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Terrorism”, nah, doesn’t check all the boxes just yet. “Mass murder”? Oh heck yeah. Also, I don’t think the “Was ‘justifiablyfleeing the police.” excuse is going to work very well when rolling over children.

— should Brooks have been fleeing the police for an unrelated incident — then that would change the complexion of the Waukesha parade crash and its interpretation. That would then make Jalopnik’s initial interpretation of the crash as intentional incorrect,

One of my neighbors traded in his 3 yr old Porsche SUV and got a brand new Toyota van. He’s got 2 kids, but I still question his sanity. Within 2 months of the registration going through, he had 2 other dealers contact him offering him more than what he paid. Crazy times for mini vans.

May also work if you are moving from a vehicle segment that is riding high right now (e.g. mini van) and buying something that really hasn’t ‘appreciated’ much. Several other factors, but it could be a favorable situation.

Mini vans are one of those vehicle segments that have seen the highest ‘appreciation’ rates. A little strange to me, but it you have one that you can part with, that’s gravy.

I’m thinking if it was a Hellcat trim, that would have been made clear like they did with the “Trailhawk” and “SRT” vehicles. Or maybe it’s just poor news reporting.

One thing I was hoping for with EVs was more performance. 200HP in a vehicle that is 4500 - 5000 lbs is worse than quite a few ICE and Hybrid offerings.

  • 2021 Dodge Durango, bought for $76,491

Maybe it is one of those ‘self reporting’ offenses.

Even though there are a lot of profit margin built in, I help but see hurting truck division profitability for the next few years as excess supply is burned down, warranty costs inch up, discounts have to be applied for older build date trucks and the potential for higher gas prices.

If they are out there long enough, they may qualify for a Certified type warranty.

I’d probably buy a K900, but not for $60K. Half that amount and we can start talking numbers on what is essentially an older design (even by Toyota standards). I’m going to want the upgraded floor mats and that special wax job for free.

You all know nothing. The container is only half the battle. The metal strips they put in cash can be detected by government satellites. Every so often the G’Men are sent out to collect the money from your hiding places. That way there isn’t too much money in circulation causing devaluation of the USD.  So the next

A Mitsu is a good enough ‘right now’ car. Most everyone I’ve talked to over the past 10 years that owned one said they didn’t stand the test of time. While the drivetrain was okay if you drove softly and performed maintenance absolutely on schedule, the rest of the vehicle didn’t really hold up well past 3 to 5 years.

I’ll take your word on it. For me it just seems like there is a razor thin margin for error with a helicopter.

I went on a ride along years ago with a student and instructor. Coming in for landing the instructor did a quick dive and flare. Scared the shart out of me. Later I learned from the student that the instructor used to be a Navy carrier pilot and had also worked in South America landing on so called runways in forested

My wife and I are not the same size. I didn’t see much use in memory seats linked to specific key fobs until she started borrowing my car a lot.