
I’m gonna be sick....

Then I guess it wasn’t “botched”, was it?

Were you expecting your video game to mow the lawn, or something?

It’s sad that bloggers now quantify whether or not a game is “complete” by the amount of pseudo-tangible content is included.

I love how Jason is carrying water for developers while making a living by stirring up toxicity via Kotaku.

Tit photos would be nice.

Fucking millennials, that’s how.

Are you saying that black people don’t mean it in a bad way?


Your bullshit take on gamer nerds is laughable.

“Toxic behavior”?

That is so fucking gay.

Meantime, South Park is being praised for being edgy.

It’s political correctness... Of course it’s dumb.

Okay. It’s still a violation.

DACA is literally “deferred action”, not amnesty. It does not negate their illegal status; it only defers the penalty for two years, after which their eligibility is reviewed.

It’s a grace period, but they still owe the piper.

Then they technically don’t need Deferred Action, do they?

Straw man.

Wouldn’t have hurt for the article to be more concise.

Glad to hear that slavery reparations is a retarded idea.