
Actually, the most common age of entry was three years old, not six. Six was the median age. Idiot.

Anyway, idiot, the majority of Dreamers are now well over 18 years old (the median age is 25), employed (91% at last poll), and have had literal years to apply with Citizenship and Immigration Services. 
Your average

Of course you would. You are part of a small but loud sect of socially awkward and sexually inept people who struggle to keep a modicum of consistency.

What a crock of shit.

I didn’t read past the first obtuse line the first time. Sure not gonna made a second attempt at four paragraphs of anti-American bigotry.

No visa, green card, or citizenship? You broke the law, if you’ve taken up residence within the U.S.

This is simple enough for children to understand, much less video game developers.

WTF is thi-... Oh, it’s an Owen Good article. Of course.

Your bigotry is showing. Nice broad brush you got, there.

You’re wrong on Jesus not being a god, as He is the only God.

Why is Mohammed not in this game?

Too bad no one gives a single shit about Jim Sterling...