
It would have to be destiny still, as all the examples given here are pre-rendered.

It isn't in engine either. The engine looks good, just not like this.

This is a pre-rendered cutscene. The regular game does not look anywhere this good. It still looks good, just not as good as most of the screenshots shown in this post.

Go play games at 24 fps, and see if you enjoy it...

Nope. They really are lower quality. They use the same crappy compressor found in the 360 version. As a result they have terrible bitrates relative to quality and remain full of artifacts.

I don't think anyone doubts UE, just that SE has used it before and made a complete hash of it. Granted UE4 is quite a bit different (and easier to use?) from 3 but it still is pretty strange. Doubly strange is all that money pumped into things like Luminous which is purported to fix all the ills that plagued crystal

They're vague I think because they're not being asked by a person gunning for more detail. I would also point out a lot of things would be possible given unlimited time and/or money.

Or it could mean that they could, and it would work like crap or not be fun to use. Mechanics are cut from games all the time...

It is interesting that other developers look at lack of interest in a crap game as a reason to abandon it, rather than an opportunity to make a good game.

The pc version of Jade Empire is pretty much the definitive version. The disc version came in a nice metalic dvd box with embossed art. Also it looks really pretty on a decent resolution screen

That is because the vast majority of PS exclusives come from Sony studios. MS often just buys out exclusives from multiplatform studios. What is particularly irritating about this instance is that it is an established multiplatform franchise, not a new franchise (which is fair game).

Casey Hudson apparently liked Deus Ex Human Revolution so much, he had to copy its ending 1:1 at any cost

Yah, the characters are there along with their "fairy tale" past baggage.

I see one comment about her boobs, thats it. Seems pretty tame otherwise even if most of the comments aren't directly addressing the topic.

Many would argue that it isn't as good as the 1st season of the Walking Dead, but it still is totally worth playing. Regarding your second point, Red Riding Hood only gets a passing mention in that game and that it really isn't a retelling of classic fairy tales...

Lets expand tech limitations, with budget and time constraints. Yeah it wasn't all that complex even for the time but there are other factors at play.

They're boxy due to tech limitations, which the mod is not fixing. Also the statement by the modders that they will be doing their own interpretation makes me fear that it won't feel like Deus Ex.

I use a keyboard and mouse *and* I'm left handed....

Looking at it, it doesn't seem that impressive. Given that, I don't really think you gain a lot from redesigning already very well designed maps (just for the sake of it).

As I stated above it isn't even as simple as that. Sometimes MSAA simply doesn't work well (like in deferred engines, shading effects and tranparencies ). Unfortunately MSAA still has some dedicated hardware (like tesselation) so games that don't use it are not fully using the capabilities of the GPU.