
Exactly this. He’s grating with an annoying undercurrent of whine.

Even if we could set aside what he represents, he’s an animated GIF with a looping soundtrack I’d prefer not to watch and hear for the next four years.

“It’s because they can no longer shit on gay people publicly without risking a gigantic reprisal.”

I would say that this pretty much nails it, but in their view, they don’t see it as shitting on gay people—they think they’re fending off the scary changes in the world.

Social conservatism requires something to fear, and

The run strikes me as a good move. Since Campaign Zero has outlined some very sensible measures for addressing police violence, the platform is there for any other candidate to make it part of their agenda. And by entering the race himself, he’s placing pressure on the political process in Baltimore. Even if he

I really wish these surveys would split out their results based on generational cohort, as I believe that would be more telling of where things are headed long-term.

I’m actually okay with this spectacle, and I would like for it to continue through election day. I would like to see Kim Davis and her lawyers file appeal after ridiculous appeal, each one more insane than the last.

And I say this as a gay man who is horrified at what the Republicans have been doing to our country. Let

“It’s based on the idea that this war between the ruling caste and the black people lodged underfoot is escapable; that a black person with means can physically relocate to the suburbs, or the country, and miss out on the war altogether, becoming either invisible or bulletproof; that such a person therefore no longer

And denying the White House to this would-be theocratic dictator will also be the right decision.

“Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.”

Yeesh! College-as-beauty-pageant. I kept looking for the section where they go into the proper uses of butt-glue and duct tape.

I gather there must be some grand arbiter in the celebrity ecosphere who consults his Rolodex, places periodic calls to various famous people, and says:

I think the more important question is: Should they lie to Santa about their kids?

Shame it wasn't my 1986 Chevrolet Sprint. 'Cause I really hate those guys.

This entire "thought piece" appears to be one big concession that they've lost all hope of winning over the American public at large. While it is almost certainly true that "tens of millions" of people want what the Religious Right wants, it is also true that there are 400 million people in this country, and they also

As a gay man who also happens to know nothing about football, I can completely see this. They made to initial decision to sign him, and barring any credible information to the contrary, I have to assume that the decision to release him was made for the usual footballish reasons. No worries here.

He sought treatment five days after returning to the US, telling the hospital that he had traveled to Liberia and was experiencing a fever and abdominal pain. With no insurance, he was turned away. A Washington Post story reports that some people close to him feel that he was "not properly treated because he was not

At about 10:25 a small blonde lady starts yelling at the protesters: "We're the ones who gave all y'all the freedoms that you have!"

I was looking for "admit defeat." Why was this omitted from the list?

Okay...so? It's an excuse to do something with dry ice. I can't judge, because I am always looking for tangential projects where I can use PVC pipe for something other than its intended use. Is it efficient? Hardly. Cost effective? Heck, no! Better? Probably not. But I don't care because...it's PVC pipe, which is

"Sure, it's over-engineering a solution to a pretty simple problem..."

By its count, there have been more than 1,300 officer-involved shootings this year alone.