TX Pete

This is correct

You’ve not seen David’s hoard of oxidized yard art?

I just spent the past week driving a Citroen with a manual. If all shifters were that terrible, manuals would have died long ago.

I think it’s fair to note that Fort Worth has a bike sharing operation that seems to be working well and is in the process of becoming a Blue Zone city.

Turn his neighborhood into a Superfund site.

A lot of manufacturers won’t allow vehicles they own (corporate cars, etc) to be salvaged due to liability. It’s a bit of a reach to brick a privately owned car. I understand why they do it, but the software requirements of a Tesla means the owner (or their insurance company) gives up a lot of control on what they can

The tough part is the software, as with most modern things. You can fix the car, but they don’t have to provide the software.

Not permitting salvage and repair sure seems contrary to the “sustainable” message that the company claims as a reason for its existence.

Buy it for me and I’ll daily it!

That’s super cheap money, especially for a used car.

David and Jason are technically doing it righr.

Sounds like a personal loan. Is the interest comparable to traditional auto finance?

I think more successful tech for today would be for phone proximity sensors in a pedestrian and driver’s hands to sense each other and just explode to shock them back to their senses with lithium ion fire.

He picked the meh of N bodies. That car is “what could have been” if more Oldsmobile shoppers had possessed a soul of their own.

But doesn’t qualify as a meh car, because it’s so starkly hideous that you’re forced to take notice. In greek mythology, looking at one would turn you to stone.

All I know is I will be looking forward to each time she sends it....freelance style.

You have the title to the car?

They can’t assess your debt until the car is sold. It likely would get sold off to third party collections until at least 6 months after the sale.

I actually just re-read it. The incident happened in Texas, but the lead of the article says “Virginia woman.” So actually I have no idea what the process is there.

I believe she’s in Texas which is a homestead state. They can’t take your home as settlement of debt.