TX Pete

Would you be ok with someone telling you they spent the money they borrowed from you that it’s all gone and they don’t owe you anything?

Sounds like someone who should be in a cage match with Mack Hogan.

So glad you didn’t post the equivalent fleet of ladies that could be had for the same price.

Check back when one of the GTS Maloo’s with the LSA make it over.

You didn’t charge extra for pre-rusting the lines? 

Torchinsky writing just got me to read an article about an effing Corolla....

I cannot say that I disagree.

I’m a massuve Senna fanboy, but that car just does not sound or look exciting at all. Maybe the audio is better when it’s not a potato cam.

Has David Tracy ever expressed disdain at the lack of patina on your cars?

Your cars are that shitty....and that’s why I can’t wait for your next article.

David Tracy is aroused

David Tracy definition of “workable body” means that it has not become one with the earth again.

They aren’t allowed. That was the 6000 Euro fine.

That hood looks like something from a 70's porn star.

Pretty pathetic. Kid seemed to have some real promise and I have really been wanting to see an Amrican driver back in F1.

Glad Steph will still be contributing. Real deal, wrench-turning, race-driving enthusiast who is also a compelling writer. Proud to have her as a fellow Texan!

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

My insurance company paid me $7300 in January for my totalled 2004. Maybe insurance companies really are benevolent?

McMike can win COTD at will. Today he felt like winning.

It is necessary to note that the V10 2-seater at the 2017 USGP was more exciting to hear by 1000-fold than the entire F1 grid.