TX Pete

You’re damn right it’s limited!

Well sure....if you want to do it right. On a sub-$10k truck, with relatively low compression, I figured “close enough” rather than removing the intake to fix it. I didn’t even think about it on the S/C version.

Knock sensor relocation is a pretty easy DIY. The stock location makes it obvious why so many people relocate or bypass with a resistor when it fails.

Shop for a clean one like this. The market value is shocking - even more so for a Tacoma.

Easy NP. I had a 2004 non-S/C until an uninsured red light runner totaled it. Used as a daily driver, regular towing with 130k miles on it and didn’t miss a beat. Even started right up (noisily) for one last time and drove onto the flatbed wrecker. My insurance paid out over 7k for it. Still kinda miss it solid, basic

SUV’s “account for for a steadily growing proportion” of vehicles on the road. Has the proportion of people hit by these vehicles increased at a greater rate?

Personal opinion, I think the DB11 is a major step backward in the looks deptartment. This Volante version looks like the style was cribbed from the Mach 5

Is that the same stuff that they use to make blind faith?

David Tracy is being very disingenuous here. He has entire vehicles made of nothingness.

The upside of these is that by getting into one, you’re able to experience the superpower of invisibility.

When I was a young lad, my English grandmother had one of those Escorts (Ghia trim!!!).

Gotta love the laggy 8-bit turbos.

I have this mental image of him arriving at LAX in something resembling the unsellable Elvis jet

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you’re not putting down a deposit on one?

I was just dogpiling.

Good looking car. Appears that it will adequately cover 2 parking spaces.

Even better would br going to LeMans with a brand new GT3, and unfettered access to the pits. Mr. Bradley is a lucky, lucky, talented boy.

I’m giving you plenty of time to plan the Jalopnik Christmas special. Naturally David Tracy will be King Moonracer, ruler of the island of misfit toys.

I would like a car swapped with an LS9, and a 98 Tahoe would be handy beater. However, this mashup doesn’t exactly make it a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup for me.

Stands to reason. “Mack Hogan” sounds like the name of some badass hero in a Tom Clancy book.