TX Pete

Kristen has the most wonderful, awful recommendation here.

I would still be driving my Frontier (‘04 with the 3.3) if an uninsured red light runner hadn’t addressed it for me. I basically never buy new, but the diesel Colorado was compelling.

This screams for a mural down the side and a moon window on the side. A shaggin’ wagon for those who would rather fill up the waterbed in the back than a gas tank.

Drove the 3.6 in a Z71 and a ZR2. The diesel does give up some absolute speed and response, but it would be rare that I ever wind out my truck. In normal, sedate driving, the gobs of torque without needing to be aggressive on the throttle. I haven’t felt any shortcomings cruising at 80mph. The MPG and towing is

I recently bought a Z71 with the Duramax. I went diesel because it tows effortlessly and the luxury to easily get over 400 miles to a tank. MPG and towing ability were my only complaints with my old Frontier. Speed wasn’t a real factor in my truck selection - it would be in a car. Worth noting that the torque gives

This looks like the aftermath of a challenge from old-new Top Gear.

After a long day, I like to come home and read COTD and slowly scroll down to the $kaycog pic that awaits. Today, I read the loooong (admittedly clever) post-umentary......it ended up not being a good day.

Additional assumptions:

The ideal car for a crime spree. Witnesses would only be able to report They got away in....ummm...a car. Maybe it was silver? “

Aren’t they all, really?

So the little flower holder in the new Beetle didn’t make everything ok?

If Jeeps had feelings, this one would be terrified if it caught a glimpse of your backyard. Like a trip to the morgue.

“flinging raquetballs” resulted in a spit-take

Torchinsky have the flu? This day where he suggested a big V12 instead of a helium-cooled .075 liter 2.5 cylinder shall go down in infamy.

J.D. Power Top Safety Pick

Glad to see the Colorado on here. I just picked up a diesel Colorado last week, after a charming man with no insurance blew a red light and totaled my 04 Frontier.

Like being the world’s tallest midget.

It looks really good, but my opinion on spec cars like this is that it’s very hard for fans to develop a team attachment since all the cars are the same. Nice to see the drivers ability showcased, but the innovation is nil.

I got my license in 1987. I remember really liking these GTA’s. Now I’m struggling to remember why, and the GTI didn’t even register on my radar.

My BMW has been out of blinker fluid for ages. It requires synthetic blinker fluid, and it’s just so expensive.