TX Pete

The actual reason you wouldn’t touch that Commanche has nothing to do with the price. You don’t like it because it’s in a sufficiently good state of repair that it’s feasible to do such wild things as run to the store, go out on a date, not get tetanus, etc.

911...starting over 30 years ago. I was just about to pull the trigger on a 997, then a lovely uninsured motorist totalled my daily driver truck yesterday.

Strangely, Torch has the right answer. Un-strangely, he’s advising to think with your ass when making a car purchase.

Do you figure in 20 years, you will drag a rotting example of this out of a field for your Moab project?

Pedantic. Seems more relatable to call it by the common name was. People recall the AMC 360. He AMC 5.9, not so much.

Someone with a moral code that compels them to inform someone of a freaky Swedish car painted like a 70's pimpmobile seems like someone I would want to hang out with.

Are you doing ok hanging out in a building filled with cars devoid of iron oxide and neglect? I suppose there are some non-runners there that might make you a bit more comfortable.

I think what we’ve learned here is that the 16-cylinder, 4 turbo, fastest productuon car in the world* is coincidentally the least fuel efficient. The more you know....

Thank goodness that EV’s and their batteries pose no fire hazard. They are the panacea.

I have to think that the employee honestly believed his own story to some degree. Who would ever think that someone would buy that line of BS?

Put enough weight in the back of the bed that the front wheels barely touch the ground. Solves any issue with the feel of the suspension.

My boring 04 Frontier made the list. My less boring 04 BMW did not. Not having a car note in over a decade was very fun.

If I put some rust holes in this one, screw up the cam gear, and pour some cement mix in thr trans and diffs, would you give me 10k for it?

Actually I think this is pretty ideal. I have an ‘04 Frontier that I use 70% of the time for my commute. I like it because it’s durable, but I also tow a trailer several times a year and make the HD/mulch runs frequently. It’s not a blast to drive, but my big complaint is the 17 MPG. This solves that issue and will

Personally, I always liked the checkerboard seats. If I were in the market for a 928, I would want one of the later GTS models.

His neighbors already have one on the way.

Crap......now I want it.

WTF do you even call that? I mean besides “spectacular”.

Much respect! While others talk, you DO!

If that truck spends the summer underwater, when they finally extract it, I see your next project! (Assuming you would ever try anything not Jeep-branded)