
I’ve come to realize something that most people tend to overlook nowadays, and that is that everyone is biased in some form or another, we tend to expect people doing reviews to do it in an unbiased form but that is almost impossible for anyone to do, your own tastes will always show, you will always try to praise

Didn’t they also take the whole res thing from Apex? I don’t remember any other BR doing that before Apex hit, either way Fortnite is trash

Jesus Christ man, I used to watch this when I was a little kid, it was one of the few anime that made it’s way over to Mexico along with DBZ , Saint Seiya and Macross, needless to say it was a huge deal here, I remember when it started airing suddenly everyone wanted to join a basketball team at school.


jeez people are no fun

He looks like Sean William Scott ffs

LMAO why did that woman tell the whistler he was hurting her, he wasn’t even that close to her...

was just about to say this

it would make 100% more sense if he sat on the shitter and played pokemon.. that’s what I would do as soon as i got home from work.

So they’ve never heard “Blue Water Blue SKy” ??? or “A Simple Life” ?? or “Till Next Time” ??

Now playing

I recently watched Glen Schofield’s interview on Ars Technica’s YT channel and man, I gotta say, the passion that guy had for the project is monumental.

I managed to get the ps5 bundle with the 2 controllers and the giftcards back in february, I made an account just so I could save all my details and finish the purchase faster in case I did get one in my cart, if this had been a thing back then you’re damn sure I would’ve forked over the extra 20 bucks for the pro

I’m more of a sinking old sanctuary kind of guy.

I really did think these were some sort of collab between Mick Foley and PS.

Who the fuck is this guy?

I mean, they did a remastered version of PS4 Spider-Man 2 years after it’s release, but you are right, a remaster is unnecessary, I’d settle for a 60fps patch on PS5.

if any game deserves a remaster it’s the original Deadspace.... and Bloodborne...

Shhhh you’ll anger the clickbait gods.

not a lot of people get this, people basically lost their shit when the trailer ended without a release date. I’ve been waiting years for Metroid Prime 4, I can wait for HZD and GoW

Everyone does it, same thing happened with Metroid Prime 4, Elven Ring...