I left when forsaken came out, came back for new light, played for a few days and left again, came back for BL because a few friends wanted to try it out, needles to say it’s been a wild ride, bought both forsaken and shadow keep, just finished forsaken last week, we were super excited to duo shattered throne twice…
He pretty much did it for me after his whole LOU2 rant.. the guy is a giant prick
Hey HEY! what are you dooooing dude? this is not the place for logical thinking, you’re supposed to be an asshole here.
I saw that on some random video but they didn’t even explain why!
Ghost was already super fast to begin with so no issues there, but 1:22 seconds to 15 seconds on spiderman? holy shit! not to mention this also factors into how fast the game loads random shit while you’re playing
it’s called blackmailing, if I don’t get to play my 6yo doesn’t get to play, so he is extra helpful
so after playing ysterday for about 3 to 4 hours, i was able to get to BP 6, granted the grindiest challenge I had was dealing 20k damage for 5 stars, I’m guessing I got lucky with this week’s challenges though
ahhh yes.. the beginning days of parenthood, you get used to it, it takes some time to actually find time to play but eventually everything falls into place. plus you find little lifehacks for everything. I was able to get to 110 with about 2 weeks left with a 6 year old and a newborn this season.
how come, I haven’t had a chance to play yet but it seems like you can get the 3 weekly and at least 1 daily? am I missing something?
holy shit never thought about it that way
this looks like Uwe Boll made it.
Makes you think doesn’t it....
This looks bad, I remember when Milla was doing good movies, back when she did The Messenger... and that was 1999
it’s also in the new FFXVI trailer at the 1:20 mark, pretty cool how they’re playing it with strings. anyway
isn’t the prelude theme just a common arpeggio anyway? I think I remember something about it from one of those music theory channels on youtube.
Hey man I haven’t played a fighting game since GGXX and I still watch Maximillian Dood, He’s the best.
Fucking GENIUS!!
I mean I vaguely remember playing these as a kid, but I def remember Fabio with what looked like Conan the Barbarian’s sword.