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I remember clamouring for a spiritual successor, or indeed a proper sequel to Theme Hospital for years. This isn’t what I was after but it’s very close on, and will definitely get my attention when it’s released if only for a quick look to see if it can capture that crazy chaos. It does need an injection of humour

This guy got action with a boatrace like that? Sheeeit, I’m definitely in the wrong game.

Not in the least bit surprised this happened when the first thing they did with the Monster Universe was to churn out something so far removed from why people loved those original Universal Studios monster flix, giving Cruise once again another bloody ego-massage of a film instead. An utterly idiotic move. Now, had

Aw Bob - Basically I think having a name that begins with a “B” is a really bad move in this show, kinda like the equivalent of wearing a Star Trek red shirt.

Found myself nodding in agreement at most of this article. Agree that 11 was really downplayed this season, and I guess that was because she pretty much stole the show in season one.

Damn but that guy must get laid within an inch of his life pretty much every day.

Phew, that’s a relief. If this was a Gerard Butler film that wasn’t a disaster movie in every sense of the word, I would have assumed I’d slipped into some sort of alternative universe.

hahahahah you kids. Still thinking 40-49 is ‘old’, bless.

There are two huge factors fuelling this argument. Author “Dog in the manger” attitude to anyone breaking into their precious industry (and in a lot of cases, we’re talking about authors who are just as guilty of ‘book churn’ as celebrities are) and this bizarre imagined notion of what constitutes a “Better” book

Damn, always wanted Snow Crash to get the big budget movie treatment (up against the infinitely inferior Ready Player One) but it might work as a show. If anyone manages to get the opening chapters pretty much dead on for the book, it’ll be stunning to see.

You guys are lucky. You just get shoes. Over here in the UK it’s just bottle after bottle of piss (which, given the frequency of service stops on UK motorways leads to another question...”Do drivers just piss in bottles because they LIKE it?”)

Surely to be the living definition of neckbeard you’ve actually got to have a neck in the first place, no?

Ahh I was so in love with Shirley Manson. Possibly because of her comment on finding out the band had got the Bond Theme gig (for “The World Is Not Enough”) and described it as being “Better than anal sex”

OK so it wasn’t just the poster then, she really does have a freakishly long neck.

Wow, won’t that be a fun set to work on with all the stuff Hamilton said about Cameron. Every day will be like a party!

Won’t damage your car but engine braking in preference to using your actual brakes and have your brake lights come on in any situation where you’re in traffic is nothin’ but a douche move - and yeah, will damage your car if someone crams right into the back of you.

Seriously agree with most of this (though getting rid of game boxes is HARD, so hard - particularly if you ever want to trade those things in later on). Best piece of advice I could give anyone is cupboards with doors for your games if you do keep those boxes, because it’s amazing how quick those damned spines

Always sad not to see Raymond Briggs “When the Wind Blows” feature in lineups like this. The animated version was pretty much a direct lift from the book, and both are absolutely harrowing and horrible (imagine, this is something that was from a kidlit author best known for cuddly snowmen and lovable santas). Worth

Guy playing Borg freaks me out as I could’ve sworn it was Tom Hiddleston from the pic, till I read down the article a bit further. If ever they need to cast twins...

Eh? I don’t get that - The Borg always looked like someone had walked face first into a vat of white paint, then struggled to escape through a trench filled with old plastic model kit bits.