Thank you, never heard of the term before, but it's perfect.
Thank you, never heard of the term before, but it's perfect.
then proceeded to make statements like "I just want to ask questions"
Our bodies already possess the means to rid ourselves of "toxins"- that would be the liver and kidneys. Anything left behind is likely to be along the lines of a heavy metal, and those aren't generally found in even the most GMO-y of foods. "Toxins" is an idiotcakes-buzzword that earns my automatic side-eye.
Bless your heart.
It's good to be aware of what you are eating and cut down on processed food, but bloody hell I can't stand people like this. YOU ARE CHEMICALS. EVERYTHING IS. For the love of Pete, stop with the "oh no chemicals" bs. Plus, mankind has been manipulating food and animals since the dawn of time. It's genetic…
I love the internet. I really do. It's one of humanity's greatest inventions. Here we all are with nigh immediate access to virtually the entirety of human knowledge, at the push of a couple buttons. Want to know how internal combustion works? Google it. Want to know how to forge aluminum ingots and make stuff out of…
It's infuriating, if only because he assumes an authoritative position on science, despite being decidedly anti-science in all things that aren't climate change or evolution. It also angered me to see the discussion on the new Nightly Show, which featured an anti-vaxxer in the discussion. I recalled the episode of…
Learn some fucking science, "Food Babe."
That Real Time episode made me so mad I almost threw something through my TV. The part that had me so spitting angry, though, was when he talked about how vaccinating makes your immune system lazy and ineffective because it never has to work I terrified my cats by screaming over and over, "Vaccines work by stimulating…
You make my gorge rise then you settle it down. This woman does not seem to realize that she can no longer, eat, drink or breathe since she doesn't want to "ingest chemicals." What a twat.
You linked to Orac!Awesome.
Just FYI, y'all:
So what's unnatural about the secretions from a beaver's anal glands? Seems pretty natural to me.
"These toxins can travel to, and settle into, all the organs of your body, particularly the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs..."
"there is no acceptable level of any chemical to ingest, ever"
This is the kind of crazy b!tch that I think of when I get too stuck on whether something is "properly vegan" enough for me when I'm traveling. Then, I find a packet of oreos and enjoy the sweet, sweet, delicious toxins.
But we spend 5000 years using animal husbandry (UNnatural Selection, DUN DUN DAAAAHHH) to exploit mutations to genetically modify various livestock to better suite our food demands and that's perfectly okay. But god forbid, we use bioscience to modify a gene? THAT'S JUST POISON.
You can also add hypocrisy to her list of stupidity: she sells a product on her website that contains BHT, an antioxidant that increases shelf life and is recognized as safe, despite her claims that it's toxic. Now who's doing this for money again?
everyone in the Middle Ages didn't die by 32. Some of them lived to ripe old age. The life expectancy is only low because so many of them died in childhood because chemicals work better than prayer