Cactus47 second account

I would totally love this. Lucille/Jessica Walter’s reactions to Gene Parmesan are one of my favorite things this show has ever done.

It felt to me more like she was seeing something that was so similar to what she had been told many times as a kid that she couldn’t help but return to it over and over again in her mind. And somehow a song came out of it. The song isn’t so much about chastising the parent as it is about being the kid, and watching

Yeah, that whole thing was pretty bizarre.

Curious as to why you think she would be more likely to be a Martha than an Aunt. I would have thought it would be the other way around.

If I remember correctly, Dinah (the daughter) is the third-youngest of all Jacob’s children, and the youngest of Leah’s biological children.

Yep. I’m betting her daughter was some sort of free-spirited atheist party girl. The type Lydia would see as a “fallen woman.” Maybe she had a relationship with a non-Christian man who didn’t treat her well. Maybe she was a drug user. Maybe she had an abortion and there were complications afterward. All things that

Yes. As far as I can figure, there’s nothing in the Gileadean law that prohibits a man from procreating with his actual wife. Wealthy and powerful people who can’t are given handmaids. I doubt the powers that be care about the fertility among the Econopeople—except maybe as a way of tracking how to punish the ones who

And she has hyperthymesia that’s used in a realistic way. She’s one of my favorite TV characters ever.

My guess about “Unmen” is that they’ve all either been killed or turned into low-level front-lines soldiers in whatever war is going on.

Yeah. If a woman was married to a man, and it was a first marriage for both of them, and they were both of the “right” religion (or at least pretending to be), then she became an econowife and they got to live in relative peace, fertile or not. (In the books, whiteness was also required for this relative peace.)

Seriously. The first half of season 2 just felt like constant back-and-forth between the two dudes (and occasionally other less interesting dudes thrown in there) got tiring. I much preferred it when Jane was settled in with either Michael or Rafael for a good length of time (though I’m wholly on Team Rafael).

That’s a really interesting theory. He was a minor player in the first season but he hasn’t really shown up since. I wonder if that’s what’s going on. I wouldn’t put it past Sin Rostro to give Michael’s face to someone else (especially someone bad) just to fuck with Jane and Rafael.

Yeah, I was reading about that too—I doubt this is what they’re going for since the physical effects don’t match and this real condition doesn’t cause early death.

I read the book when it came out and I remember loving it. I’m really looking forward to seeing this when it gets a wide release in a few weeks. (One weird note: there’s a part in the book where Ronit wonders why her parents gave her the name that they did, and thinks it would have made more sense to name her Rachel,

It was also pretty weird that he brought in a parent to play one adult role, but had Josie play the other adult.

I’m so glad to see so much love for Popular here! Sometimes I think I’m the only person on the Internet who remembers that show.

Thanks for that; I know nothing about The A-Team, so this went way over my head.

Yep. Reminiscent of workhouses.

Lauren Graham, who played Lorelai

I thought Dean went to college, and then dropped out because of his marriage/divorce with Lindsay... but I thought he said he eventually got his degree in the revival?