Cactus47 second account

I’m assuming Jacques is the oldest, then, Kit, then Lemony, since that would make sense alphabetically.

I’m missing the reference somehow...

Seriously. I wish they could at LEAST vary her dialogue. I don’t remember her being as annoying in season one.

Yeah, if they were going to have the library plot line before such a huge thing, I wish it could have connected to the Quagmires’ talents in some way. Poetry and journalism both lend themselves quite well to a love of libraries.

Seriously, I was so disappointed by how little we got to know about Zach. His Zen Dude stuff was funny. His speech at the end was funny! I would have loved to see a scene (or more) of him and Serena connecting as friends! I get why Alexi, Owen, and Jasper are still around, but August has had so many ridiculous plots

Also, we’re so close to one of Canada’s largest cities that you’d imagine Justin Trudeau (or whoever is the PM of Canada in-universe) would have MASSIVE problems with anyone nuking Seattle.

And a fairly new one, from this season: Peter’s obsession with P!nk leading to Nance’s one night stand with John Corbett.

Some of my favorite sketches:

Yeah, this season has been REALLY good. If they get another season, I hope it’s devoted to Jane’s book about her mother, Rogelio making his show, and to Xiomara hopefully recovering from cancer. And I hope that Rafael can find a career that makes him happy. And that Jane and Rafael stay together with about the same

It was super-jarring when the scene changed to Jeremy and the new girl on a date. It was like a different show.

Seriously. I know what it’s like to be sucked into your first serious SO’s terrible family drama when you’re young, and feel unable to extract yourself for a whole host of reasons. But I never made a fucking BLOOD OATH! This is a terrible idea!

Eh, I’m not sure if I trust what Jeremy said to the new girl, though. He’s been pretty consistently awful throughout the show, to the point where Chet had to kick him out of a trailer for being violent with Rachel last season. To the point of killing two people. I don’t know what’s going on in Jeremy’s head, and he

I’ve been broken up with by someone in this way. And he was legitimately a good guy, and he and I still are friends, all these years later, but the breakup and the way it happened still hurt. The minute he told he we should stop seeing each other, I wanted to walk away, go back to my own apartment, and just deal with

The psychiatrist was also my guess—there’s some kind of sizzle there. August just seems too obvious. And he has a man-bun. And whenever she talks to him she turns into the most annoying version of her character (“oh, let’s talk about AFRICA, this giant continent I’ve never been to which I will reduce to a mythical

I think zombies are supposed to be stronger than humans, so maybe their scratches have more power to them?

As far as her voice goes, I don’t think you can be a “quasi”-Valley Girl if you’re actually from Los Angeles County. Guessing she comes by that naturally.

Eh, she can...just not every time. Triple axels are notoriously difficult, and even someone like Mao Asada, who landed numerous triple axels in her career, fell on them a few times.

Really, Bradie Tennell’s getting the same treatment? What a shame. I don’t remember any problems from her short program during the team event.

Actually, Kwan didn’t bump another athlete in 2006. She was given the opportunity to test her program in front of the judges to determine if she would do so, but she ended up still being too injured on the day her test was to take place. She withdrew from consideration, and Sasha Cohen, Kimmie Meissner, and Emily

Yeah, Idina’s an incredible actress/singer, and I’ve loved her in everything I’ve seen her in. In her hands, Maureen is “fun!” “Cute!” “Unpredictable!” As a real person, Maureen would be a pain in the ass nightmare partner/friend.