Cactus47 second account

Yeah, I know it’s somewhat impractical having a car in New York, period, but a giant old boat that probably gets 15 mpg at the most, and is also a convertible, is probably the least practical car she could have, aside from maybe a tank.

Her nickname will probably be Frances

We have to wait behind y’all anytime Atwood releases a book.

Yeah, if I could have a library in my home, part of the fun of it would be stocking it with the books I already own, and then all the ones I don’t own yet but have always really wanted, and organizing them in some perfect system. I always appreciate additional gifts of books, but fake books just...don’

1. “Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice...fiddle dee dee?” and all other variations on that saying from the season 1 episode with Wayne.

I’m late to this, but YES. Holy fuck, YES. You nailed it.

Yeah, there were a few episodes near the beginning of CEG that were too cringy for me. The second episode in particular. Once the show got into the back half of the first season (after the Christmas/Chanukah episode, which had the best songs since the “West Covina” song in the premiere), it became way more enjoyable.

They’re actually still making music. Their latest album, Heartache City, came out in 2015, and they released a single for the Women’s March earlier this year.

Yeah...other people have pointed that out, and I stand corrected. If this site still used Disqus, this would be evident. On Kinja, not so much, I guess.

Interesting. Okay. I didn’t remember that. I was remembering her driving the train, and extrapolated that to mean that she therefore had power in the Medium Place as well.

What I don’t get is why Janet can’t produce cocaine immediately. She can produce ethics books, a chalkboard, clothes, porn, and other things... she makes the train run...couldn’t one of the main characters or Mindy ask her for cocaine on the spot?

I’m guessing from your username that we’re in the same city. I am truly sorry you’ve had to deal with such awful behavior.

Same. I never had a problem with Über’s drivers, but their app/website pissed me off about a year ago when it wouldn’t let me update my credit card information. That’s when I made the switch to Lyft. Most drivers around here drive for both companies, so it’s the same decent people with a better app.

I loved how this episode used an Ex Hex song in the scene where Abbi’s at her new job. They’re an awesome band.

That seems like casting against type, but I am interested in seeing how that works.

Yeah, I want to see this mostly because the book made me crack up over and over again. I loved it. I finished reading it on a road trip with my family, and my mom kept asking me what I was giggling at so much.

I DEFINITELY have breast cancer.

I love that they mentioned West Covina as a place Issa could afford to move to. This show could have a crossover with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

Issa’s Blood neighbor is one of the most consistently funny parts of this show.

Yeah, she was totally being irrational there. But in a relatable way. I know there have been times when I was pissed about something that made no sense to be pissed about, but the frustration still persisted. It’s not pretty, but it’s real.