
Yes, I simply cannot imagine the Democrats running a candidate whose spouse has a less-than-stellar record.

she wasn’t actually running on her husband’s platform from 1992.

Couldn’t you just cite the other people who make those arguments if you genuinely hate how much you cite their podcast?

The thing is, this is like when Fox news tried to call out The Daily Show for not being “Fair and balanced.” That’s not The Daily Show’s slogan, just like winning isn’t the fucking goal of the “dirtbag left.” Winning is the goal of centrist, career politicians. That and claiming to “go high” are the only currency

whatever. She still won the popular slope.



The “out” is suicide. I know the sentencing. And we all have different limits. I would never wish rape on anybody, even a rapist (and he likely won’t be in gen pop since he’s already attempted suicide and is famous).

Also, I think you’re misreading things (happens to all on Kinja). I’m saying I hope he doesn’t

Right. I get that he has a viewpoint here and that’s great and all…

I came here and didn’t see color.

You’ve met my brother, then?

This is the same shit Peyton did when he tried to sell his worn uniforms.

All true, and airlines are just one of the most extreme and awful examples. The truth is that this kind of concentration has happened in loads of other industries over the last few decades. It’s why your ISP sucks and your mobile provider sucks and your health insurance sucks and...I could go on.

In a debate between cyclists and dog owners about entitlement to public space, who would be the most insufferable? Whichever one is a vegan and/or crossfitter, I assume.

His golf “relaxation” has cost this country $10million in one month. Presidents do not get every weekend off. It’s insane and wasteful and an abuse of the office.

Kellyanne Conway confirmed that Trump is a great golfer. In fact, she referred to his last win as The Putting Green Masacre.

Well, I will say this. I am very sure he’s not being hypocritical about this, and I’m sure if you looked at his twitter history there would be no tweets criticizing a certain politician for spending too much time playing golf rather than running the country.

Just a sampling of how many times that out of shape shitgibbon bitched about Obama golfing.

“I’m interested in a powerful position in government and I’m willing to bribe you with a baseball team.”

he doesn’t listen to anyone but steve bannon. reasonable people aren’t going to be heard.