Keith Popko

I've always felt that the Megan Follows films couldn't be matched. I was wrong. In my opinion this exceeds it in nearly every way. However, Richard Farnsworth edges out the new Matthew, but the more you see of the new one the more he grows on you.

Well, that's disappointing to hear about the ratings. Oh god, I hope they keep this series going because it is a rare gem. I've been talking this up to just about everyone I know here in the US who has Netflix. It would be a crime to let this thing die on the vine.

I thought Martin Sheen was miscast; he didn't play the part at all like it was written. I did like how Marilla was played.

What a SUPERB adaptation of the book, and the casting and acting are spot on. The added material really fleshes out the story, and it all rings true for me and makes the story more robust and rounded. Yes, it is a "darker" story, but that makes it all the more touching, poignant and real.

"I particularly liked that the FBI guys are still exactly there." Me too. I laughed when I saw them there after the time jump because it was set up so well; "Two weeks top," was the prediction for how long they'd be in the file room.

They've implied that Malvo doesn't know that Lester is in town, which is a big advantage for Lester, so you may be onto something.

Yeah, that's been bugging me too. A bullet wound, loss of blood, and a lost spleen and she's discharged within a day or two, and then walking around? Aw jeez! I had my gall bladder removed and I was incapacitated for weeks. Just getting out of bed was a major event.