I cannot stress this enough to Trump, he does not have to stay at the White House at all or ever darken Washington DC with his presence again. It’s simple, “I resign the presidency effective immediately,” sign and date it.
I cannot stress this enough to Trump, he does not have to stay at the White House at all or ever darken Washington DC with his presence again. It’s simple, “I resign the presidency effective immediately,” sign and date it.
Oh my God. Stop pretending to care about the safety of women. If you really cared about the safety of women, you’d open more Planned Parenthood clinics so women can have access to health care, birth control and safe abortions!
Lol. This happens at my in-laws place. That and rogue alpacas. I mean we have the moose and bears wrecking everything, but I can’t really blame that on a person. Oh wait - I can blame the bears on that one asshole who refuses to lock up his garbage.
I hate that they play it for a solid month on the only decent radio stations we have in my area. I don’t mind it at Christmas parties, or playing quietly in the background in the mall (sorry employees, I know having to hear it all the time sucks for you). I prefer the older carols and hymns. In moderation. When I am…
my favorite combo
Weed and orgasms.
I *have* seen that and I *am* amused by the immediate karma of it. Regardless of her long-term goal for the money she did this with the explicit intent of price gouging. Fuck this woman.
Dude, seriously, do you have to put that face under the header?
NDA’s should be against the law in this case. Trump is no longer the CEO of a private company. He is the employee of 320 million people. Please tell me this violates some form of the Freedom of Information Act. If it doesn’t, someone needs to fucking get on that. The transition and everything that follows is part of…
Hope you guys are working on that coloring book.
It’s our second week in hell, and the hot debate of the moment is what it means that former Breitbart News chairman…
“Someone please take Twitter away from him. The joke is no longer funny.”
Absolutely not. This is where the rope that hangs him will probably come from.
Call them what they are Pro-Birthers. Everything they stand for is all about the birth. Cutting medical coverage, education & welfare pretty much prove they don’t give a flying fig once the fetus actually become a child.
I pre-ordered the Final Fantasy XV special edition for the bigger HDD. Anything to avoid killing someone this week. I am one bad moment away from strangling a coworker.
You buy a trampoline, I buy a PS4. Different strokes, tied together with copious amounts of alcohol. <3
Sometimes you just need to get super drunk and buy a freakin’ trampoline.
Cleaning. Reading. Drinking wine. Online shopping. Plotting the overthrow. The usual.
Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.
They really should have done a better job at getting him out of the limelight. Maybe they could ask Tiffany Trump for pointers?