Barron wont be an issue, he is a couple of years from gothing out and doing donuts in the White House lawn in Hilary Clinton’s old Cutlass Ciera
Barron wont be an issue, he is a couple of years from gothing out and doing donuts in the White House lawn in Hilary Clinton’s old Cutlass Ciera
I’m glad they didn’t do this, because
“Well, guess Johnny Carson had to drive something.”
Anytime I get suspension parts, air con parts, or engine parts, I get OEM. Less critical stuff and consumables, I cheap out.
Why start now?
She has a large and a medium.
No, he was thinking of deregulated chinese boobs.
I think its good for Germany to have these laws. Looking at and hearing American cars with passion is a dangerous fruit the Germans must not be allowed to touch.
Being around assembly line people all day, i assure you, no, they are not craftsmen. They may have pride in what they do, but they are assemblers, not designers or engineers. They are needed people.
True, no decent dad would listen to Talor Swift with his son.
You’ve nailed my saying:
Well, my newish car stereo has a local/dx
signal rejection, like the local/DX on a newer car stereo
“Sorry, daughter, if we kept the car, we would not be able to put into your college fund, pay our health insurance, buy food for the dog, pay off the house, or any other thing that costs money dollars.”
You probably have Hyperhydrosis, they have pills for that. Ive driven cars with no air conditioning in the south for years, and my hands dont sweat. If your hands sweat with the air ON, I’d say you might have it.
Don’t rent a Yugo next time
Carrolton! A place to wake up and find bulletholes in the front of your house.