
don't you mean barrio and mexico city explains a lot we'll anywhere outside of the us explains a lot

How you create a bank account under a pseudonym ?

Id like to see you guess mine here a hint its made up of several objects

My passwords are hard as shit mine are created like this phrase based on different objects

First what about not going on non common websites and when you go on websites be concerned about everything typed in. Second dont put everything on a device connected to the internet in the firstplace.

How is real tv here if all shows on real tv arent online ? Until every single program from every single channel whether via over the air, cable or satellite is online there is not real online TV

How so Netflix is anywhere between 9 and 20 dollars, Hulu 10 and Amazon Prime 100. I pay 57 for Comcast.

But how many gadgets now days are just throwaway items that can not be upgrade or serviced in the long run which leads the manufacturing of new shit all the time take phones, tablets, laptops and some new tv's. Tablets for example excluding a very few when the battery dies or something is wrong with it do they fix it

What happens during a power surge and your transmitting data through powerline does it fry the router and can it be plugged into surge protectors or does it have to go straight into the outlet

Alien life is very possible the main problem is can we detect it; there is no proof that life had to develop similar to us. They might not be made of carbon but instead silicon or something else and thus how would we know that they are there.

Actually its only bing or ask; yahoo use bing search remember

Werent the computers from the early days made out of quality materials well before many of today's computer computers started making computers

Dont forget about Chipotle and Boston Market which McDonalds use to own they have vastly different designs so its not like McDonalds couldn't change the place if they wanted to

If you think that is awesome you should see the menu in some countries it will leave you with a WTF expression when looking at our menu

So true but there is also no excuse why there should be no 64GB version when the N9 has one and that wont reach masses as these will. You would also think Microsoft would be encouraging them to create a flagship model with highend specs to get the current Zune users to buy it.

Where is the HP Folio ?

Do they have codes all over the internet like GoDaddy i refuse to pay above 8 dollars for dot coms

Probably due to the new owners of Godaddy Silver Lake Partners LLC , Technology Crossover Ventures and KKR & Co. L.P.

Bob Parsons is not the owner anymore

We have been to war in hot and cold places before the invention of AC and central heat to say it can not be done now is a bunch of bull. So how did we get by in