
If you're in that building during a fire on one of the top floors you're basically dead. The fire will go up or down way before you get anywhere not even the most fit person on earth can walk/run down a mile worth of steps fast enough.

Was just about to say something about the 20th anniversary mac

When is the April fools coming for the prank yall have been pulling for the past month and a half with the site design ?

What I want to see is Amazon develop a tablet Kindle that has a few more features than the current kindles. It doesn't need to be a iPad or a Xoom per say, it just needs to cover the basic task which most people do without having to go find apps.

@weendex: What if thats the plan ?

No this is T Mobile USA only

Here I fixed it.

More like

I was talking about now, not the future. Verizon nor ATT will be 100% LTE for many years down the road.

@dccorona: Who is expanding into Europe ? ATT is buying only T Mobile USA.

Who's going back to CDMA with me

FCC better do something they let Comcast slide if this gets approval how long before GE, Sony or Exxon try to buy up competitors.

Hope you, your children or grandchildren never have allergies

Is it safe for those allergic to the plants used to make it ?

@zukny: Whats your definition of ugly computer; because I consider almost all current computers ugly.

Take the iPod Touch for example it could have been updated to 64 & 128GB years ago but wasn't. The first and second gen have the same storage as does the third and four.

Nothing will be replace until the cheapest tracfone has NFC and all other stuff mentioned.

Do you think Apple will ever have those ?

@WheresWinPho: Hope so; the iPhone has been at 32GB long enough and it took the iPod Touch forever to get to 64GB. From the way things are looking there will not be any decent 64GB + PMP's or Phones