
Where is a phone with more than 32GB

There are always other options Credit Unions and using cash

Why would a blind person have a touchscreen phone.

The Common Chimp should not be looked at; if anything we should be focusing on Bonobos

Perhaps waiting for the technology to make the courier real and come in at a low price ?

I would like to see the health effects on the strobe lights from the cars; someone has had to have had a seizure from them in some country

He could have at least decided to deliver it in person since he never met his girlfriend.

What he did and the outcome could be expected. He is living in a dictatorship and shows people videos about what is going on to a group of people. If word got to the dictator of what was happening the conclusion would be you are trying to do the same here.

Countries do torture people who try to start problems if you look at history it has been done in almost all countries before.

So he tried to incite a revolution and didn't see this coming. Every country would do the same thing if a influential person to a large group of people tried this

@anderlan: Virgin is owned by Sprint

Why does Gizmodo never do comparisons with regional and prepaid/mvno carriers.

Many houses, apartments and condos come with microwaves today so it does not really address how many would have actually purchased them.

Really should change the heading to something else; it makes it seem as if they are launching globally. You should use UMG or Universal Music Group instead of Universal.

It probably takes the DNA as a way of safeguarding itself from your immune system. If you pass it to someone else and during this time get treated for it then it gets passed back to you. This way your immune system will let it in because of the DNA; which your immune system recognizes so it thinks it is on there side.

I got it also guess this post is funded by the donors to Gonorrhea.

This begs the question why hasnt the 3.5mm jack been replaced its been the same since the 80's.

I still wonder why all the majors just don't get together and buy or any other site and start selling downloads from there similar to Amazon.