Mr. Ontop, No Strokes, No Smokes...Goes Fast.

I have to say as an NYC rider/commuter who rides within the law and with courtesy (who also puts up with a lot of shit and near misses from cars daily), the NYPD has been out in full force harassing ALL 2 wheel riders the past couple months.

And the message is that we are too stupid to sell them at auction to recoup the money that taxpayers spent on apprehending the criminals and impounding their machines. We will just throw that money down the drain to make a statement of questionable value.

It takes more than 6 people statewide to work an entire factory

You shut your whore mouth!

The hunt for red October. Your man card has been revoked.

In the future, he becomes an Ice Wizard, similar to Gandalf and is able to find more useful water forms for Jace (of the Wonder Twins) to turn into... That truly takes omega-level talent

After about Clear and Present Danger, Clancy, like Heinlein post-Starship-Troopers, could write as long a book as he wished. They just published every word, good or bad.

Sadly, RotS was the best of the three prequels.

It’s an amazingly cobbled together ripoff of Star Wars with John Boy Walton as Luke and Hannibal Smith as Han Solo. I have loved it since childhood. It’s best watched under the influence of whatever you enjoy being under the influence of.

Hawking knows his way around a track.

Wooooosh...over your head.

I’m tired of feeding you, troll.

Obviously, you haven’t been to Alabama. It’s a lot nicer than you might think.

Oh shut the fuck up. You’ve probably never been to either place.

I can tell you exactly why Aston would consider Alabama. Tax breaks and other incentives.

1) No interior hatch release button. And the key fob button only works when the out of the ignition. A hatch that auto-locks makes this very frustrating

Figures the Stig would orchestrate a coup for absolute power.

Hammond and May; they will abandon him in a desert with a blown engine but not in his flat with a bruised ego