If I had to drive a Hyndai, I might consider suicide as well.
If I had to drive a Hyndai, I might consider suicide as well.
It seems I ahead of the curve on being a Mopar guy becoming a Fiat guy
Well, I certainly hope it is better than the gas version. I haven't driven a car I hated that much in a very long time.
And how much will this cost?
No hat tip?
Hmmm. I don't have this particular fetish, but I get it.
I was recently at a car show. The owner had his original Challenger parked beside the "new"version. For the life of me, all I could think of when looking at it was the cute girl in high school who has a cute, but sort of chubby younger sister.
My father-in Law has a Nissan like the one on the header graphic. the only difference is that his is mint green. I love that car and hate that I can't import one for myself.
To anyone here that may buy one these. If you do, and if you happen to see me pointing and laughing, be assured that I'm laughing AT you, not WITH you.
I know you just sad you don't care for the retro styling, but go try a Fiat 500. In my opinion, it's the real deal. (disclosure: I bought one)
Akihabara actually reminds me of the strangest cafe I've ever been to. If you've never been to a "maid cafe" do it. It's mind bending.
I say this behavior should be encouraged, it'll clear the idiots out of the genepool in no time.
Double Skidmarks!
I liked these cars a lot, but it was just more than I needed for a DD. however when I was shopping for my wife, I went with the Mazda6. it just seemed, I dunno...more fun to drive.
Come to California, our morning and evening commutes are that close or closer.Not fun.
Adding a little lightness to my life would probably not be too bad of an idea either.
That might actually be the new 2.
Long ago, I knew a nasty, and by nasty, I mean that in every sense of the word, librarian that had one of these when it was new. I can't look at one of those things without thinking of her. I think she got it in a divorce settlement.