Thanks for posting! Appreciate your hard work and detailed content. A nice contrast to a lot of recent “articles” here.
Thanks for posting! Appreciate your hard work and detailed content. A nice contrast to a lot of recent “articles” here.
Ilectric Drive
I do not hate him; if anything I like him but he drives like an a$$. His talent is impressive, he has it raw and in spades but he is elbows out all the time and seems to rely on others to make way for him or else he crashes which I do not like. Still, for his fighting spirit and racing moxie alone, I love watching him…
F1 needs a Max. Otherwise we get bland little robots who’ve been molded into exactly what F1 wants them to be, such as Ocon, Gio, Mick, Botas, LeClerc, Botas, etc. All great drivers no doubt, but with personalities and risk tolerance equal to a wet paper towel.
If anybody at all in the world of motorsport would be involved with Epstien, I would expect it to be Bernie Ecclestone.
Verstappen and Hamilton’s disputes aside, I’m not sure that track should be on the calendar next year without significant changes. So many high speed blind corners with a major chance of crashes. I watched parts of that race with my stomach in my throat as the cars sped by a ton of debris on track that could have…
I was losing my mind. The commentators were talking about Bottas, you could see the cards on the grid tracker on the left swapping back and forth, but no idea - I NEED to watch Lewis roll across the line for literally the 100th plus time.
I’m just here for the Verstappen fans blaming it all on Hamilton, and the Hamilton fans blaming it all on Verstappen.
Can someone explain those tires to me? Are they just for terrestrial tests?
He wrote really entertaining pieces about cars. He then branched out into videos, and that paid a lot more. His writing is better than his videos, but money is money.
there’s a whole lot of new factory hardware that needs to be built and installed- with ICE, they’ve been able to just update the machinery they have for decades,
so I smacked is drink from his hand to the ground and had him escorted out of the premises.
Better headline; Team Nepotism in Sport Nepotism practices nepotism
IMO it should’ve been hybrid only. Don’t even put a HYBRID badge on it at this point. Just put a 45 mpg sticker on it and be done.
I don’t believe this for a second.
1. “Technology” is not a synonym for gimmicks on touchscreens. The Bollinger B1/B2 has lots of technology, and no screens at all.
In most situations, a star for you. But in this one, no.
Radio waves travel at the speed of light.
Years ago in the dark ages, I sold tires for a store your grandparents knew as Sears. I once answered the phone and the conversation with the guy went something like this: